  • Accessibility in public publishing. The challenge of a publishing industry at the service of citizens as a whole

    Taula rodona Accessibilitat

    Dimecres 02, 11:00h - 12:00h | CC1, Sala 1.2
    02-10-2024 11:00 02-10-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid Accessibility in public publishing. The challenge of a publishing industry at the service of citizens as a whole The ministerial departments and public bodies of the General State Administration carry out an important publishing activity with the commitment to comply with the law on accessibility. What challenges do we face in meeting these obligations? Do we really have enough information, training and resources? In this round table we will analyse what we have done so far and what challenges we face. CC1, Sala 1.2

    The ministerial departments and public bodies of the General State Administration carry out an important publishing activity with the commitment to comply with the law on accessibility. What challenges do we face in meeting these obligations? Do we really have enough information, training and resources? In this round table we will analyse what we have done so far and what challenges we face.

